Kiwi video on Israel goes viral

Viral Zionist Israel Video Kiwi Zealand

The Auckland-based star of a video entitled “I am a Zionist”, which has been viewed by more than six hundred thousand people on social media, has admitted she is surprised by the reach.

“I didn’t expect the message to touch so many people. The responses have been overwhelmingly supportive…and showed that many identified with the views I expressed. It seems most Kiwis are probably also Zionists, without knowing it.”  Juliet Moses

Produced by the Israel Institute of New Zealand, the video has been shared by more than 7,390 people. It presents a brief history of the Jewish homeland, affirms the indigeneity of the Jewish people and outlines the involvement of the United Nations in Israel’s establishment.

Co-director of the Israel Institute, Prof Paul Moon, says this history is vital to understanding the issues and is not as surprised by the positive reception.

“The video is a good resource for discussions of some complex topics. Understanding the full history is important to understanding the present and the positive response reflects our recent poll results.”  Professor Paul Moon

The poll results refer to the Curia Research poll that showed most New Zealanders were supportive of Israel.


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