Is it just bad advice?


The past week’s revelation that the officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade are comfortable promoting an event that advocates BDS and a one-state solution is shocking (even leaving aside the speaker and his terror affiliations).

These same officials advise the Minister and other representatives. The retweet and lack of apology suggest that the advice given to Ministers of Foreign Affairs and other representatives is not going to be balanced.

It might also go some way to explaining why New Zealand has not only been quiet about Hamas terror, but also about Iranian terror and about Russia’s nefarious actions – the advisors to the Ministers may simply have a different world view to most average Kiwis.

One might have thought that Murray McCully was enamoured with his Arab friends and possible sheep deals or with his comfortable chair at the Security Council, but perhaps the “wrong decision” to co-sponsor UNSC 2334 without cabinet’s knowledge was simply advice from his MFAT advisors.

We hope to understand more about how deep the divide is between MFAT officials’ opinions and the NZ government’s official position and what influence rogue advisors have on Ministers and UN vote-makers.



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