Israel Institute condemns terror from Gaza


Israel Institute of New Zealand co-director, Dr David Cumin, condemns the more than 600 rockets indiscriminately fired into Israeli civilian areas from Gaza. Three Israelis have been killed and 90 injured and rockets fired from Gaza that have fallen short of their target have also killed Palestinians.

“We must all condemn terror wherever we see it. Each one of the hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza constitutes a clear war crime. The Israeli death toll is miraculously low only because Israel invests in protecting its civilians with warnings, shelters, and the Iron Dome, while Hamas uses the civilians it controls as human shields – another war crime.”

The attacks are being carried out by the terror organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad (acting as an Iranian proxy) and typically target Israeli civilians while firing rockets from within their own civilian population in order to create a human shield.  This latest barrage of rockets follows earlier terror attacks on Israeli civilians including:


Dr Cumin says that while other liberal democracies have condemned these attacks – New Zealand has remained notably silent:

“Many other world leaders have spoken out against these ongoing terror activities. More than a dozen countries have already spoken out against the latest attacks with more likely to follow. The last clear condemnation of terror against Israel from a New Zealand Minister was by Helen Clark in 2006. That’s a shameful fact for Aotearoa.”



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